About me
Academic degrees and titles: PhD, field: humanities, scientific discipline: political science, year of publication 2003
Title of the doctoral dissertation: Stimulators of migration and the Polish diaspora functioning of Polish-Swedish mixed marriages. Dissertation supervisor – Prof. Andrzej Chodbuski

- As a professional manager I navigates complex challenges with finesse. My decisions are well-calculated, and my leadership inspires results. Success follows in a wake.
- My competence—a blend of academia, management, and visionary thinking. The impact reverberates through academia, organizations, and beyond.
Completed postgraduate studies:
- Teaching qualifications
- R&D Project Manager
- Media Manager
Participation in trainings, courses, certificates held:
- Interpersonal skills training
- Authority and Influence
- Coaching-based management
- Appreciation and feedback
- Emotional Intelligence in People Management
- Conflict in the organization and methods of its resolution