Communication, self-presentation, brand management

I have a PhD in political science, and I have many years of experience in managing Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Administration and Political Science, Faculty of European Studies as well as the Institute of Institute of Social Sciences and Institute of Medical Sciences at universities in Gdansk and Warsaw. 

Authorship of books

I am the author of publications, notable among which are such titles as:

  • Stosunki polsko - szwedzkie a wektory współczesnych przemian kulturowo – cywilizacyjnych;
  • Kobiety w życiu kulturowym Polski i świata;
  • Politologiae Miscellanea w świetle wielu rzeczywistości (2011),
  • W kręgu pytań o tożsamość narodową i etniczną Pomorza Gdańskiego. 

I am also the author of articles in specialist scientific journalistic. in Cywilizacja i Polityka, or Studia Gdańskie. 

Lectures, conferences, seminars

I work in international groups, and I specialize in issues such as Human Resource Management, Public Relations, Marketing Strategies, Communication in international teams.

Scientific articles

I am the author of many scientific articles in the field of Public Relations, political marketing, as well as international relations and cultural identity. The most important of them:

  •  Komunikacja marketingowa, Kształtowanie społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego by Tomasz Goban- Klas
  • Public Relations – elementy wiedzy i praktyka by Andrzej Drzycimski, 
  • Marketing polityczny, Trendy, strategie, instrumenty, by Grażyna Rosa, 
  • Marketing usług profesjonalnych by Kazimierz Rogoziński.

Motivating, setting goals, and supporting colleagues

 are tasks which I have been successfully carrying out for years, and moreover I conduct lectures on interpersonal communication, negotiation workshops, theory and practice PR, project management - so I successfully put into practice everything that I instruct students.

Cooperation with universities has taught me to respect rules and standards, and constant contact with people allows me to appreciate diversity of views, attitudes, cultures, and values.